Monday, February 22, 2010


So, the day has started out okay. Have decided to start writing out lists of things i hope to accomplish the next day on my mirror in the bathroom the night before. My list for today was as follows:

*1500 Calories
*Mom's Birthday (Card, etc.)
*Work only 8 hours
*2 hour work out followed by PM Yoga from DVD when i get home.

So far i have not completed any of the tasks but am trying. These are all really lofty goals for me. The work out thing is probably the easiest but, i have to feel well to do it. (Not that i'm whining about being ill, mind you.)

We'll see how i do. Wish me luck with my goals.

Quote for the day/hour: "There's a peace I've come to know, though my heart and flesh may fail. There's an anchor for my soul, i can say it is well. Jesus has overcome and the grave is overwhelmed. Victory is won, he is risen from the dead." Chris Tomlin "I will rise" (Totally love this song and play it over and over again in my car. Feel the first line is particularly appropriate for me at this time in my life.


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